
Interview: Mayor of Housing reveals interest in Manger Project kids after surprise visit to Pleasure Park to serve the poor  

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Can the Manger Children know you?


My name is My Ace China, a real estate success strategist, the Mayor of Housing.


Today you are in an unusual place talking to very small children and with passion, do you believe in the concept of the Manger Project?  


Yes! Number one, children are our future. It’s easier to train a child than to correct an adult. So, the earlier you begin to drill values and virtues into children, the more you save the future.

Secondly, I am a Christian and not just a Christian, I am a son of God. As sons, the Bible says that they are waiting for the earnest expectation of the creator (Romans 8:19). Waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. What sons do is to spread love and spread values and virtues.

Three things: loving, value and virtues. Today I had an opportunity to serve children as a mark of humility and love and I had an opportunity to share with them some values and virtues because that is the reason for the season.

Christ came to show the highest level of love and everything from Genesis to Revelation is just the basic values and virtues that will make that love transgenerational, that’s why I am here. 


Finally you offered to support in some ways, especially in Bible quiz; can we capture that on record?


Yes! As a matter of fact, every child that came here will get a copy of the bible because I will be sending 20 copies of children’s Bible. They will all have each so they will begin to read the Bible. The Scripture says train up a child in the way he should go, and when he grows up, he will not depart from it.

We cherish this Manger Project because it is a project that envisions Christians from Manger to Palace. Kings are born in mangers and the manger is a training place for kings. The basic manual for training kings is the Bible. So, not only will I support this project but I will support more towards the Bible quiz and ways of inculcating the culture of the word of God study in children so that they can start early. This is because Jesus Christ started really at age five or six to read the Bible so much that when he was  12 the Bible tells us he was so vast in the word that he was answering and asking questions with elders in the temple.

That is how our children should be. I believe the moment a child begins to read, he will start reading children Bible and Bible stories so that they are vast in this.

When it comes to the word one of the reasons that has caused the greatest crises and vices in the world is ignorance. It’s so important that I have christened ignorance the oldest devil. Look, the Scripture said my people perish for lack of knowledge. Now, because people don’t study, nor practise what they preach, that’s why there’s a lot of crisis.

If you study and practise before you preach, your preaching will be effective, and there will be peace.

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